Row by Row | Green

Row by Row | Blue

Row by Row | Pink

Berry Treasure

Berry Thieves | Pink

Berry Thieves | Green

Fill'er Up

Berry Leaves

Very Berry

Be Wild

Early Season

Art @2022 Eva Ruutopõld

Every year, I eagerly wait for the sound of the first fat blueberry hitting the bottom of the galvinized bucket with a satisfying “ping.” 

Every year, I eagerly wait for the sound of the first fat blueberry hitting the bottom of the galvinized bucket with a satisfying “ping.” This is my happy place where sunshine, blue skies, the mountain, and row upon row of highbush blueberries spread out before me. Time stands still as I daydream of all the ways these blueberries will brighten my days through the fall, winter, and spring. With purple stained fingers, I pop a marble-sized berry in my mouth and sing out “Don’t worry,” to the bees, birds and bears, “there’s plenty here for all of us!”

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Blueberry Swirl

Blueberry Smoothie

Row by Row | Navy

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